
Saltash area clubs for young people

Saltash Town Youth Council have compiled a list of some of the Clubs and activities available to young people in Saltash and the surrounding areas. Up to date details on times/venues/ages/costs/contact details can all be found via facebook or google.

The clubs highlighted /in capitals are all members of the Saltash Town Youth Council which means they have access to special grants for projects and support. 


TEMPORARY CRISIS FUNDING GRANT – this has been set up  in order to support families who may be struggling financially to support their children’s’ extra curricula activities. This fund is designed to help with paying for their subs.  If you live in one of the Saltash Town Wards and feel you might  benefit please contact the relevant organisation (this MUST be a Saltash Town Youth Council Member Organisation) and enquire through the leaders about the crisis funding. The STYC member organisation will then apply for a grant to the STYC. The money will then be released to the club to cover the subs. Clubs cannot guarantee funding will be available – it depends if they have already used their allocated monies. 

Please note this is NOT limited /dependent on families being in receipt of free school meals but organisations are limited to the amount of money they can apply for – so the funding needs to go to families in most need.

The crisis fund grant will be reviewed at the end of December 2021 to evaluate its effectiveness and ascertain whether it needs to be continued.

Kind regards

Saltash Town Youth Council