
The Governing Body

Rev Tim Parkman

Chair of Governors/Foundation Governor

Date of Appointment: 24.04.2023
Term of Office: 24.04.2023 - 24.04.2027

Mrs Tracey Fletcher

Head Teacher


Mrs Sarah Adkins

Foundation Governor/Chair of Admissions Panel

Date of appointment: 01.09.2010
Term of office: 21.01.2022 - 21.01.2026

Ms Emma Mason

Foundation Governor, Chair of Curriculum Committee, Safeguarding Governor

Date of appointment: Sept 2015
Term of office: 01.11.2021 - 01.11.2025

Mr Ollie O'Meakin

Foundation Governor

Date of Appointment: 06.10.2023
Term of Office 06.10.2023 - 06.10.2027

Mrs Alice Ashburn

Parent Governor

Date of Appointment: 09.10.2023
Term of Office: 09.10.2023 - 09.10.2027

Rev Diane Burrows

Rural Dean Representative


Mrs Chris Hale

Clerk to the Governing Body

If you would like to contact a governor or require information regarding school policies, you can do this by emailing me on clerk@bishop-cornish.cornwall.sch.uk

Mr Ben Elford

Vice Chair of Governors/Parent Governor Chair of Finance Committee

Date of appointment: 08.10.2019
Term of office: 04.10.23 - 08.10.27

Mrs Emma Nile

Staff Governor

Date of appointment: 12.11.2019
Term of office: 17.11.23 - 17.11.27

Mrs Naomi Hulford

Parent Governor

Date of Appointment 22.09.22
Term of Office: 22.09.2022 - 22.09.2026

Mrs Helen Reid

Foundation Governor

Date of Appointment 20.10.2020
Term of office: 20.10.2020 - 20.10.2024

Rev Laura Bushell-Hawke

Priest in Charge

Ex Officio